EMDR Therapy Newport Beach, CA

When a person undergoes the feeling of anger or melancholy due to any hurtful events in life, then our brain helps us to overcome it. But when we are under the influence of some severe trauma, our brain might not be able to understand and therefore process it.

Any traumatic incidence might lead a person into some kind of distressful situation that might vary from one person to another depending upon the individual’s susceptibility. To alleviate that tormenting and discomforting state EMDR is chosen as the aptest psychotherapy treatment that was solely designed for this purpose only. In simple language especially for laypeople, EMDR can be seen as psychotherapy that qualifies people to get cured of the symptoms and emotional disturbances that result from the consequences of agitating life experiences.

What EMDR therapy means?

When we talk about EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy), simply means that we are trying to relieve an individual from the psychological stress that he is suffering from by the means of some interactive psychotherapy seasons with the respective person. 

During the sessions of EMDR therapy, the person tries to reveal all his or her traumatic or those activating occurrences in short doses while the therapist is trying to direct the individual’s eye movement.


How EMDR therapy benefits mankind?

Most commonly EMDR is used to stop the PSTD cycle (post-traumatic stress disorder). But now a day’s therapists have started using EMDR to treat other conditions as well. Some of them are as follows-

·        Initiates self-improvement-

EMDR is not only beneficial for the people who are undergoing any kind of traumatic situation, but it has proved to be of great advantage for everyone. In simple terms, it can transform your negative mindset and will help you to resolve your relationships, performance both while at work or home, enhance your creative skills and improve your health, and a lot more than this.

·        Quick positive outcomes-

EMDR therapy always takes a path that is quite different from the previous talk therapy and resolves those problems of the patients that have lingered on for so many years in the only handful of sessions.

·        Speedy recovery from trauma-

EMDR therapy is the most probable system that is recommended by therapists all over the globe especially for the circumstances of depression and anxiety. It has shown great results that are quite effective at treating all kinds of trauma. 

·        Transforming the beliefs-

Either consciously or subconsciously many of us hold beliefs that might result from the exposure to certain unhappy moments in our past life. 

·        Helps in managing those budding stresses before they get mature-

We might not see but that everyday stresses that we are going through might take a toll over time and will lead to a state of complete burnout if not dealt with in time.

Contact immediately before it’s too late!

If you are willing to explore the diverse area of the expertise of EMDR especially for anxiety, depression, anger, or any other worries that are bothering you, all you got to do is visit our website and get in touch with our specialists as we have been dealing with these situations for over two decades. So, contact us as early as possible.









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